
英検2級 ライティング 予想問題 模範解答

「英語を自由に使いこなし、世界でも活躍できる人になる」その夢をかなえる場所が、ESL clubです

  • 無料でレッスンを体験する
  • ESL clubをもっと知る

こんにちは。英語を教えない英語塾『ESL club』です。






関連記事:【英検2級ライティング対策】 合格点を取るためのたった3つのコツ 答案作成のテンプレート付き










Today, many buildings collect rainwater and then use it in various ways, such as giving water to plants. Do you think such buildings will become more common in the future? 
(2023年度 第1回)

Today, some customers ask delivery companies to put packages by their doors instead of receiving them directly. Do you think this kind of service will become more common in the future?
(2023年度 第2回)

Today, some companies have online interviews for people who apply for jobs. Do you think this is a good idea?
(2023年度 第3回)

出典:2級の過去問・試験内容 | 英検 | 公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会





  • 第1回検定:ビルの雨水再利用システム
  • 第2回検定:置き配サービス
  • 第3回検定:企業の採用活動におけるオンライン面接の活用










予想問題 No.1


Some people say that going on a group tour is better than traveling alone. What do you think about that?

予想問題 No.1 模範解答①(YES)



I think that going on a group tour is better than traveling alone.

First of all, going on a group tour is safer and easier than traveling alone. For example, people will not get lost and they do not have to be able to speak the language spoken in the place.

Also, it is more fun than traveling alone. For instance, people can make friends with other people in the group.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that people should go on a group tour rather than traveling alone.

(Word count: 91)

予想問題 No.1 模範解答②(NO)



I do not think that going on a group tour is better than traveling alone.

First of all, it is more comfortable to travel alone. For example, people can choose to go anywhere at anytime they want.

Also, traveling alone is a good learning experience. For instance, people can learn the language spoken there and also learn the history and culture of the place.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that people should travel alone rather than going on a group tour.

(Word count: 84)

予想問題 No.2


Today, many Japanese people work in foreign countries. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future?

予想問題 No.2 模範解答①(YES)



I think that the number of Japanese people who work in foreign countries will increase in the future.

First of all, the world is becoming increasingly globalized. For example, many Japanese companies are opening offices overseas and need their workers to move abroad.

Also, Japanese people’s abilities are increasing. For instance, more and more people can speak different foreign languages fluently.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that more Japanese people will work in foreign countries in the future.

(Word count: 81)

予想問題 No.2 模範解答②(NO)



I do not think that the number of Japanese people who work in foreign countries will increase in the future.

First of all, it is difficult for many Japanese people to live and work abroad. For example, they cannot speak foreign languages fluently.

Also, many Japanese people feel more comfortable living in Japan. For instance, Japan is a very safe country and has good food too.

Because of all the reasons above, I do not think that more Japanese people will work overseas in the future.

(Word count: 86)

予想問題 No.3


Most elementary schools in Japan serve lunch to their students. Some people say that this service should be stopped. What do you think about that?

予想問題 No.3 模範解答①(YES)



I think that elementary schools in Japan should stop serving lunch to their students.

First of all, it is dangerous. For example, some students are allergic to certain foods and if they accidentally eat them, they can get sick or even die.

Also, students’ preferences should be respected. For instance, some students do not want to eat mean because they are vegetarians.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that Japanese elementary schools should not serve lunch to their students.

(Word count: 81)

予想問題 No.3 模範解答②(NO)




I do not think that elementary schools in Japan should stop serving lunch to their students.

First of all, school lunch is very healthy. For example, nutritionists plan meals using different kinds of meat, fish, and vegetables that are nutritious.

Also, school lunch is easy for the students’ parents. For instance, some parents are both working and do not have time to prepare packed lunch.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that Japanese elementary schools should serve lunch to their students.

(Word count: 83)

予想問題 No.4


Today, many people buy things with credit cards instead of cash. Do you think this is a good idea?

予想問題 No.4 模範解答①(YES)



I think that buying things with credit cards instead of cash is a good idea.

First of all, using credit cards is more convenient than buying things with cash. For example, people do not have to go to the bank before shopping to get cash.

Also, using credit cards is safer than using cash. For instance, people do not have to worry about carrying a lot of cash and losing their wallets.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that people should buy things with credit cards instead of cash.

(Word count: 91)

予想問題 No.4 模範解答②(NO)



I do not think that buying things with credit cards instead of cash is a good idea.

First of all, people often spend too much money with credit cards. For example, some people buy things they cannot afford using credit cards because they no not need cash.

Also, using credit cards can sometimes be dangerous. For instance, people’s credit card information can be stolen and be used by other people.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that people should buy things with cash instead of credit cards.

(Word count: 89)

予想問題 No.5


Some people say that young people today are not kind enough to elderly people. What do you think about that?

予想問題 No.5 模範解答①(YES)



I think that young people today are not kind enough to elderly people.

First of all, young people today are very busy. For example, they do not pay attention to others on trains, so they cannot give their seats to elderly people.

Also, the culture has transformed in many ways. For instance, many young people to not respect the elderly today.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that young people are becoming less and less kind to elderly people.

(Word count: 81)

予想問題 No.5 模範解答②(NO)




I do not think that young people today are not kind enough to elderly people.

First of all, many young people are polite to elderly people. For example, they talk to the elderly with respect.

Also, the number of elderly people is increasing every year. For instance, many young people pay attention to their surroundings to see if there are any elderly people who are in need of help.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that young people are nice to the elderly.

(Word count: 85)

「英語を自由に使いこなし、世界でも活躍できる人になる」その夢をかなえる場所が、ESL clubです

  • 無料でレッスンを体験する
  • ESL clubをもっと知る

予想問題 No.6


Today, many people spend their vacations overseas. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future?

予想問題 No.6 模範解答①(YES)



I think that the number of people who spend their vacations overseas will increase in the future.

First of all, it is quite cheap to travel abroad today. For example, there are many cheap plane tickets offered by low-cost carriers.

Also, more and more people are interested in learning about different cultures. For instance, they want to experience food and festivals in other countries.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that more and more people will spend their vacations overseas.

(Word count: 82)

予想問題 No.6 模範解答②(NO)



I do not think that the number of people who spend their vacations overseas will increase in the future.

First of all, it is difficult for many people to travel abroad. For example, they are not fluent in foreign languages.

Also, it is dangerous to travel abroad. For instance, the number of terrorist attacks has been increasing in the past few years.

Because of all the reasons above, I do not think that more people will spend their vacations overseas in the future.

(Word count: 83)

予想問題 No.7


Some people say that shoppers are influenced by advertisements too easily. What do you think about that?

予想問題 No.7 模範解答①(YES)



I think that shoppers are influenced by advertisements too easily.

First of all, many people are very busy. For example, they do not have time to carefully compare different products so they buy things that they see on advertisements.

Also, advertisements make products seem very attractive by different ways. For instance, they use popular celebrities so that their fans buy the products.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that people are easily influenced by advertisements when they shop.

(Word count: 80)

予想問題 No.7 模範解答②(NO)



I do not think that shoppers are influenced by advertisements too easily.

First of all, many people are very careful when they shop. For example, they compare and choose products that they really need and match the price.

Also, many people do not pay attention to advertisements. For instance, they change channels on TV or go to bathroom when commercials are aired.

Because of all the reasons above, I do not think that people are easily influenced by advertisements when they shop.

(Word count: 82)

予想問題 No.8


These days, many people read digital books on their computers. Do you think people will stop buying paper books in the future?

予想問題 No.8 模範解答①(YES)



I think that people will stop buying paper books in the future.

First of all, it takes time for people to go to bookstores and buy paper books. For example, it is easier for them to buy digital books on the Internet from anywhere.

Also, paper books are inconvenient. For instance, they cannot bring many paper books when traveling because they are heavy.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that many people will buy digital books on their computers instead of paper books.

(Word count: 85)

予想問題 No.8 模範解答②(NO)



I do not think that people will stop buying paper books in the future.

First of all, paper books are cheap. For example, e-book readers are quite expensive for many people to buy.

Also, many people are used to reading paper books. For instance, they are not used to staring at screens for a long time so their eyes get tired. Also, some people want to write in their thoughts with hands.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that people will keep buying paper books in the future.

(Word count: 90)

予想問題 No.9


Some people say that we should limit the number of tourists who visit famous places of natural beauty. What do you think about that?

予想問題 No.9 模範解答①(YES)



I think that we should limit the number of tourists who visit famous places of natural beauty.

First of all, tourists can cause damage to the environment. For example, they often leave garbage behind.

Also, tourists cannot enjoy their visits. For instance, such places of natural beauty are not as attractive when there are too many people.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that it is a good idea to limit the number of tourists who visit famous places of natural beauty.

(Word count: 84)

予想問題 No.9 模範解答②(NO)



I do not think that we should limit the number of tourists who visit famous places of natural beauty.

First of all, most tourists understand the importance of protecting the environment. For example, they are careful not to harm these places.

Also, tourists’ visits leads to the protection of these places. For instance, entrance fees can be used for conservation of these places.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that it is not necessary to limit the number of tourists who visit famous places of natural beauty.

(Word count: 89)

予想問題 No.10


Today, some schools help students do volunteer activities. Do you think schools should give students more chances to do volunteer activities?

予想問題 No.10 模範解答①(YES)



I think that schools should give students more chances to do volunteer activities.

First of all, students can bond with their wider community. For example, they can help to make it better.

Also, it is good for students’ education. For instance, students can interact with people of different ages and learn how to improve the society.

Because of all the reasons above, I think that it is a good idea for schools to give students more chances to do volunteer activities.

(Word count: 81)

予想問題 No.10 模範解答②(NO)



I do not think that schools should give students more chances to do volunteer activities.

First of all, students have other priorities. For example, they should focus on their studies.

Also, many students are already busy. For instance, they do not have time for volunteering because of club activities and other after school activities.

Because of all the reasons above, I do not think that it is a good idea for schools to give students more chances to do volunteer activities.

(Word count: 81)



  • 英語エッセイの構成ルールに沿って、6文程度で回答する
  • 同じ言い回しを使うのは避ける









たとえば、理由1の例示で文頭に「For example」を使ったら、理由2の文頭では「For instance」を使うといったように、同じ表現を何度も使わないように工夫してみてください。





  • リーディングの問題数:38問→31問に減少
  • ライティングの問題数:1題→2題に増加し、既存の「意見論述」にくわえて「要約」問題を出題






●解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は、0点と採点されることがあります。 英文をよく読んでから答えてください。

When students go to college, some decide to live at home with their parents, and others decide to rent an apartment by themselves. There are other choices, too. These days, some of them choose to share a house with roommates.

What are the reasons for this? Some students have a roommate who is good at math or science and can give advice about homework. Other students have a roommate from abroad and can learn about a foreign language through everyday conversations. Because of this, they have been able to improve their foreign language skills.

On the other hand, some students have a roommate who stays up late at night and watches TV. This can be noisy and make it difficult for others to get enough sleep. Some students have a roommate who rarely helps with cleaning the house. As a result, they have to spend a lot of time cleaning the house by themselves.

These days, some college students share a house with roommates.

By doing this, some students can get help from their roommates with various things, such as math, science, or foreign languages.

However, some students have trouble with their roommates, such as trouble about sleeping times or cleaning the house.

【ESL clubオリジナル】要約問題の予想問題




●解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は、0点と採点されることがあります。 英文をよく読んでから答えてください。

School Uniforms

School uniforms are clothes that all students wear to school. They make the students look the same. Each school has their own unique design. Nowadays, most Japanese middle and high schools make them wear school uniforms.

One benefit of having school uniforms is that it helps students focus on school work. Students spend less time comparing their clothes, which reduces bullying in the classroom. They can also spend less time deciding what to wear to school. As a result, uniforms can make it less stressful for both students and parents. 

On the other hand, school uniforms might not be suitable for everyone. Some students may find them uncomfortable or not a good fit for their body types. Also, making rules to wear school uniforms can make both the teachers and students stressful. Because of this, some people say that teachers should spend more time teaching, rather than worrying about what they wear.

Nowadays, most Japanese middle and high schools make students wear school uniforms.

 By doing this, students and parents have less things to worry about, such as choosing what to wear, or comparing their clothes with classmates.

 However, school uniforms can cause more stress, such as being uncomfortable to wear.

(49 words)






ESL clubでは、英検が国際基準であるCEFR(セフィール)に対応した英語4技能試験に生まれ変わったことから、英検をベースにした将来役立つ英語力を伸ばすカリキュラムバイリンガル講師のサポートのもと実施しています。将来世界でイキイキと活躍する人になりたくて、英検を学んでいる方にぴったりの英語塾です。




ESL clubの英検対策では生徒が書いたエッセイを英検1級、TOEIC900点レベルのバイリンガル講師一人ひとりに合わせて添削します。

ESL clubでは、小学生から高校生まで、英検対策が可能です。
小学生で英検2級にも合格できるESL club小学部こちら
英検、TOEFLから英語難関大学受験まで対策できるESL club高校部こちら


「英語を自由に使いこなし、世界でも活躍できる人になる」その夢をかなえる場所が、ESL clubです

  • 無料でレッスンを体験する
  • ESL clubをもっと知る