こんにちは。英語を教えない英語塾『ESL club』です。

- 第1回検定:オンラインサービスの導入
- 第2回検定:リサイクルしやすい製品づくり
- 第3回検定:若者の投票率アップに向けた取り組み
たとえば2023年度第1回の「企業はオンラインサービスをもっと導入すべきだと思いますか?」という問いに対しては、Convenience(利便性)、Cost(費用)、Jobs(雇用)、The environment(環境)という4つの観点が提示されました。
- 利便性:お客様が店舗に足を運ばずにサービスを利用できて便利なため
- 費用 :店舗の運営コストを抑えられるため、サービスの価格を下げたり、従業員の給与に還元できたりする
練習問題 No.1
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Is marriage becoming less important today than it was in the past?
練習問題 No.1 模範解答①(YES)
I think that marriage is becoming less important today than it was in the past. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, more women are working now compared to the past. A large percentage of women around the world have careers and do not want to be tied down by marriage. For example, a woman who gets married and has children will not be able to maintain a career.
Second of all, the pressure to get married is becoming increasingly low. People in the past were pressured to marry and have children because families needed more people for manual labor, but that is not the case anymore. For instance, people in the past married and had kids because they needed more people working in the farm.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that marriage is not as important as it was in the past.
(Word count: 150)
練習問題 No.1 模範解答②(NO)
I think that marriage is not becoming less important today than it was in the past. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, marriage is a crucial step in the process of having children. Even today, the natural first step for a couple wanting kids is to become husband and wife. For example, an ideal lifestyle for many people today is to work a stable job, and eventually marry and have kids.
Second of all, getting married has a positive effect on mental health. Having a lifetime partner undeniably benefits people’s mental well-being. For instance, a married couple always has someone to talk to when they are troubled, but single people may not have anyone they could rely on.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that marriage is as important as it was in the past.
(Word count: 142)
練習問題 No.2
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Do you think that rich countries should do more to help poor countries develop?
●Economic Growth
●Domestic Issues
練習問題 No.2 模範解答①(YES)
●Economic Growth
I think that rich countries should do more to help poor countries develop. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, rich countries have a duty to fix the inequality in the world. People living in poor countries usually suffer from starvation and diseases from lack of food and clean water. For example, rich countries could utilize their resources to help such people, so people around the world can live a happy and healthy life.
Second of all, rich countries themselves can gain benefits like economic growth by helping poor countries. If companies from rich countries are sent to poor countries, that contributes to the growth of the company. For instance, the growth of companies can benefit rich countries by leading to less unemployment.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that rich countries should put more effort to help the development of poor countries.
(Word count: 149)
練習問題 No.2 模範解答②(NO)
●Domestic Issues
I think that rich countries should not do more to help poor countries develop. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, rich countries have their own domestic issues that are more important. Rich countries should take care of domestic problems before they use their resources to help others. For example, Japan should use its money to fix issues like population decline and building earthquake resistant infrastructure before helping other countries.
Second of all, rich countries are already putting enough resources into helping poor countries develop. Rich countries are already sending professionals and companies to poor countries to aid their economic growth. For instance, Japan is exporting many of its technologies, like bullet trains, to help development in countries in South East Asia.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that rich countries should not put more effort to help development in poor countries.
(Word count: 148)
練習問題 No.3
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Do you think that TV commercials have any influence over consumers’ decisions?
練習問題 No.3 模範解答①(YES)
I think that TV commercials have an influence over consumers’ decisions. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, TV commercials often have catchy tunes or funny scenes that make it memorable. Memorable commercials stay in the mind of consumers when they are out shopping. For example, the famous snack, Pocky, has a catchy tune in their commercial which leads to more people buying them.
Second of all, TV commercials often make consumers interested with special bargains. Bargains, especially when they are only for a limited time, catches the attention of consumers. For instance, buy one get one free deals are common in TV commercials, and they influence consumers’ decisions to buy the product.
According to the reasons stated above, I think consumers’ decisions are affected by TV commercials.
(Word count: 132)
練習問題 No.3 模範解答②(NO)
I think that TV commercials do not have an influence over consumers’ decisions. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, most people do not pay attention to TV commercials. People watch TV for the TV programs, and most people are not focused on the screen during commercials. For example, people watching TV together tend to talk to each other during commercial break.
Second of all, most TV commercials tend to be irrelevant to everyday consumers. There are many kinds of products being advertised in commercials, and most of them are for a specific group of people. For instance, an everyday consumer watching a car commercial will most likely not decide to purchase a car.
According to the reasons stated above, I think consumers’ decisions are not affected by TV commercials.
(Word count: 134)
練習問題 No.4
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Do you think that people should be restricted from using cars in city centers?
練習問題 No.4 模範解答①(YES)
I think that people should be restricted from using cars in city centers. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, having no cars will lead to better safety for pedestrians. City centers have tons of pedestrians, and this increases the chance for cars to accidentally cause them injuries. For example, there are a lot of instances where car drivers hit pedestrians or bicyclists by accidents in crowded city centers.
Second of all, getting rid of cars will leave more space for pedestrians. City centers often have so many people that they cannot fit within the sidewalk. For instance, getting rid of cars will allow pedestrians to walk on the road as well, creating more space for people to comfortably walk without congestion.
According to the reasons stated above, cars should be restricted from city centers.
(Word count: 139)
練習問題 No.4 模範解答②(NO)
I think that people should not be restricted from using cars in city centers. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, it will disrupt many commuters that use cars to get to work. Restricting cars in city centers will make it inconvenient for the people that drive to work. For example, they will have to park their cars outside city centers and walk instead of driving straight to their workplace.
Second of all, closing off cars into city centers will lead to traffic in surrounding roads. Restricting cars into city centers will leave less roads for cars to travel which will cause congestion. For instance, all the people that usually drive on city center roads will have to take other roads, causing traffic.
According to the reasons stated above, I think cars should not be restricted from city centers.
(Word count: 143)
練習問題 No.5
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Is enough being done to deal with the shortage of doctors in Japan?
練習問題 No.5 模範解答①(YES)
I think that there is enough being done to deal with the shortage of doctors in Japan. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, the medical program in several schools in Japan are increasing capacity. To prevent shortage of doctors, many universities around the country are building new facilities and hiring more professors. For example, increasing capacity in such programs will allow more students to study medicine and become doctors.
Second of all, development of doctor robots are in progress to combat the shortage of human doctors. Robots in the medical field are being improved, and in the future, they will be able to check the health of patients instead of humans. For instance, having such robots in hospitals will reduce the need for human doctors.
According to the reasons stated above, there is enough being done to combat the shortage of doctors in Japan.
(Word count: 149)
練習問題 No.5 模範解答②(NO)
I think there is not enough being done to deal with the shortage of doctors in Japan. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, the number of people needing medical care is growing in Japan. The number of patients is increasing but the number of doctors is not keeping up fast enough. For example, the number of doctors will need to increase as fast as the number of people requiring medical care to solve the doctor shortage problem.
Second of all, schools in Japan are not doing enough to get students interested in the field of health. There needs to be more effort in schools to inspire students to become doctors. For instance, schools could teach students the positive aspects of being a doctor, then more children may consider to become one.
According to the reasons stated above, there is not enough being done to combat the shortage of doctors in Japan.
(Word count: 156)
練習問題 No.6
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Do you think that people’s lives are influenced by music?
●Other media
練習問題 No.6 模範解答①(YES)
I think that people’s lives are influenced by music. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, music helps people maintain a sense of group identity. Cultures around the world have music unique to their location, and it helps people come together as one. For example, traditional Japanese music reminds Japanese people that they are included in the Japanese community.
Second of all, music has the ability to alter people’s moods. The music that people listen to has the power to affect their emotions, and therefore influences the actions that they take. For instance, upbeat songs can make people happy and energetic, while slow songs can make people relaxed and calm.
According to the reasons stated above, I think music influences people’s lives.
(Word count: 126)
練習問題 No.6 模範解答②(NO)
●Other media
I think that people’s lives are not influenced by music. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, music is not as influential as other forms of media like video. While music involves only hearing, video involves hearing as well as seeing. For example, watching a movie where you can see characters taking certain actions is more influential to people than simply listening to music.
Second of all, there are people that don’t listen to music. Music may be popular among a majority of the population, but it is wrong to say people’s lives are influenced by music because some people don’t like music. For instance, a person who doesn’t listen to music will not be influenced at all.
According to the reasons stated above, I think music does not influence people’s lives.
(Word count: 136)
練習問題 No.7
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Do you think that the drinking age should be lowered in Japan?
練習問題 No.7 模範解答①(YES)
I think that the drinking age should be lowered in Japan. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, lowering the drinking age allows adults to monitor that young people are drinking responsibly. Right now, it is a fact that many young people drink illegally, and yet the adults ignores such behavior. For example, adults should allow and monitor when young people drink, instead of ignoring them and pretending that they don’t know it is happening.
Second of all, younger people are responsible enough to drink. It is inconsistent that people in Japan are considered adults at age eighteen, but they cannot drink. For instance, if eighteen year olds are trusted to vote in elections and join the military, they should also be trusted with drinking responsibly.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that the drinking age should be lowered in Japan.
(Word count: 147)
練習問題 No.7 模範解答②(NO)
I think that the drinking age should not be lowered in Japan. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, lowering the drinking age will have negative effects on young people’s health. The bodies of young people are still developing, and therefore they are more easily affected by alcohol. For example, allowing young people to drink may lead to them getting hurt from alcohol poisoning or leading to diseases in the future.
Second of all, allowing young people to drink will endanger the lives of everyone in society. Alcohol prevents the brain from making good decisions, and it often leads to other people getting hurt as well. For instance, young people who drink could hurt others through drunk driving or becoming violent.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that the drinking age should not be lowered in Japan.
(Word count: 143)
練習問題 No.8
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Do young people today have more chances to achieve their ambitions than young people did in the past?
練習問題 No.8 模範解答①(YES)
I think that young people today have more chances to achieve their ambitions than young people did in the past. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, people today tend to be wealthier than people in the past. There were times in the past when the majority of the population barely had enough money to buy food. For example, young people today could use the advantages of their wealth to start a business.
Second of all, young people today have access to technology that didn’t exist in the past. These days, young people have technology like the Internet and fast airplanes. For instance, a young person having the ambition to go abroad can easily do so with an airplane and do research about the destination on the Internet.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that young people today can achieve their ambitions easier than young people in the past.
(Word count: 155)
練習問題 No.8 模範解答②(NO)
I think that young people today do not have more chances to achieve their ambitions than young people did in the past. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, there are more people than in the past. A larger population means more jobs are occupied and there is more competition. For example, if a young person wants to become the Prime Minister, it is harder now because there are a lot more people that have the same dream.
Second of all, the tax rate has increased compared to the past. People today must pay a larger portion of their savings to the government and are left with little money. For instance, a young person having the ambition of going abroad will not be able to do so because they have little money.
According to the reasons stated above, I think that young people today cannot achieve their ambitions easier than young people in the past.
(Word count: 159)
練習問題 No.9
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Should a license be required to ride a bicycle in Japan?
●Time/ Money
練習問題 No.9 模範解答①(YES)
I think that a license should be required to ride a bicycle in Japan. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, it will lessen the number of accidents. Requiring a license ensures that all bicyclists know the rules of the road. For example, bicycle riders will know to ride on the correct side of the street, reducing the number of accidents with pedestrians and cars.
Second of all, it will make sure that bicyclists have the skills to ride a bicycle safely. Some bicyclists ride their bicycles in public even though they ride recklessly. For instance, license tests will make sure that only safe bicyclists are on the road.
According to the reasons stated above, all bicyclists should be required to have a license.
(Word count: 128)
練習問題 No.9 模範解答②(NO)
●Time/ Money
I think that a license should not be required to ride a bicycle in Japan. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, it will take a lot of time and money. It will be difficult to suddenly require the millions of bicyclists in Japan to obtain a license. For example, the millions of bicyclists would have to take bicycling classes and tests to get their license, which would require lots of money and time.
Second of all, bicycles are the main way of transportation for many people. Bicycles are a popular way to get around town for people without access to trains and buses. For instance, requiring a license can prevent some children from getting to school.
According to the reasons stated above, bicyclists should not be required to have a license.
(Word count: 136)
練習問題 No.10
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
●Use Two of the Points below to support your answer.
●Structure: Introduction, main body, and conclusion
●Suggested length: 120-150 words
Should the facilities at train and bus stations in Japan be improved for disabled people?
練習問題 No.10 模範解答①(YES)
I think that the facilities at train and bus stations in Japan should be improved for disabled people. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, the number of disabled people is growing in Japan. In the future, there will be more people that need special care getting around such facilities. For example, old people may have a hard time climbing stairs in train stations, so they need special equipment.
Second of all, train and bus stations are the main types of transportation in Japan. It is often necessary to take a train or bus daily. For instance, people use trains and buses to go to many different places such as work, school, or the market.
According to the reasons stated above, the facilities at train and bus stations should try to help disabled people more.
(Word count: 139)
練習問題 No.10 模範解答②(NO)
I think that the facilities at train and bus stations in Japan should not be improved for disabled people. There are two reasons to support my opinion.
First of all, the construction will cost too much. The money could be better spent on improving facilities for everyone instead of just for disabled people. For example, the money could be spent on cleaner facilities everyone can enjoy.
Second of all, the construction will take too much time. If all train and bus facilities were to be improved, that would take a long time. For instance, there are hundreds of train and bus station in Tokyo alone, and thousands more in Japan.
According to the reasons stated above, the facilities at train and bus stations should not be changed.
(Word count: 127)

- 英語エッセイの構成ルールに沿って4段落構成で作成
- 同じ言い回しを使うのは避ける
導入 | 第1パラグラフ | 主張 |
どの観点に基づいた主張か | ||
本論 | 第2パラグラフ | 理由1 |
理由1の詳細・具体例などを2〜3文程度で | ||
第3パラグラフ | 理由2 | |
理由2の詳細・具体例などを2〜3文程度で | ||
結論 | 第4パラグラフ | 再主張 |

Instructions: Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.
Suggested length: 60-70 words
Write your summary in the space provided on your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.
From the 1980s to the early 2000s, many national museums in Britain were charging their visitors entrance fees. The newly elected government, however, was supportive of the arts. It introduced a landmark policy to provide financial aid to museums so that they would drop their entrance fees. As a result, entrance to many national museums, including the Natural History Museum, became free of charge.
Supporters of the policy said that as it would widen access to national museums, it would have significant benefits. People, regardless of their education or income, would have the opportunity to experience the large collections of artworks in museums and learn about the country’s cultural history.
Although surveys indicated that visitors to national museums that became free increased by an average of 70 percent after the policy’s introduction, critics claimed the policy was not completely successful. This increase, they say, mostly consisted of the same people visiting museums many times. Additionally, some independent museums with entrance fees said the policy negatively affected them. Their visitor numbers decreased because people were visiting national museums to avoid paying fees, causing the independent museums to struggle financially.
1980 年代から 2000 年代はじめまで、イギリスでは多くの国立博物館が来場者から入場料を徴収していました。しかし、新しく選出された政府は芸術を支援しました。博物館の入場料を値下げするため、博物館へ財政援助をするという画期的な政策を導入したのです。その結果、自然史博物館を含む多くの国立博物館の入場料が無料になりました。
The British government implemented a policy that would help national museums to provide free admission to the public. Supporters believed this would encourage people from various backgrounds to visit museums. However, while visitors increased, some critics of the policy pointed out the increase was largely due to repeated visits from the same people. Moreover, some independent museums with admission fees stated the policy led to a drop in their revenues.


ESL clubの英検対策では生徒が書いたエッセイを英検1級、TOEIC900点レベルのバイリンガル講師が一人ひとりに合わせて添削します。
ESL clubでは、小学生から高校生まで、英検対策が可能です。
→小学生で英検2級にも合格できるESL club小学部はこちら
→英検、TOEFLから英語難関大学受験まで対策できるESL club高校部はこちら